Brandon Lee


Can we disagree?

We can disagree 

So recently I found myself in a few passionate conversations about today’s sales and marketing reality

To be more specific these were about cold calling and cold emailing

There are so many sales and marketing professionals still unsure of themselves and how to proceed that it’s important to help them move forward

After some back and forth here is an excerpt from one such conversation of many I have had recently

“I admire your passion …….! And good for you for sticking with your beliefs…we will of course have to agree to disagree. 

Just as you say that perhaps cold calling is simply done incorrectly, I will state that inbound messaging with sales pitches is absolutely the wrong way to use digital selling.

Like all sales methodologies, there is a cadence and a process to be followed and LinkedIn is but one part of that process

There is a place for the phone as well as emails, but no longer is that placement at the front of the line.

Today digital prospecting (using many digital channels) is the way to START conversations…not interruptive cold calling. 

Cold calling belongs in the heap with my fax machine not in my digital sales stack.

Again, I admire your passion! But use your skills on social within a cadence and see what happens. 

Love to talk more and learn more about your perspectives as well … thanks for taking the time to reply…”

The point of this is to show that there are many highly skilled professionals out there who are still going down dead-end streets without the benefit of knowing better options!!

Let’s help them out and in so doing eliminate all the disruptive marketing and sales strategies still in use today! 

To learn more about digital sales cadences take a moment to look into this opportunity


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