Brandon Lee


Trends in conversational AI

What conversations are your sales teams having? 

If “Sales” and “Customer Experience” are all about conversations, then this next step in AI is great news!

Imagine being able to help your teams improve and master customer conversations

Imagine being able to store and search all conversations for key data points

Imagine being able to monitor customer conversations so that you actually hear what your customers are telling you

Are you able to do this now? 

Do you know for example what the tone of most conversations is? 

Do you know what the key concern or question of most customers is?

This kind of real-time data within the sales and customer experience process is literally invaluable

Now all you have to do is to ensure your teams are having enough conversations in the first place!

Again, digital technology is the difference, only now it’s about creating the conversations

Exciting times and even more exciting technologies are here…are you using them?

Are you even aware of them OR are you still considering yet another upgrade to your current marketing stack…that always works!

Time for a digital audit and a reality check! 

#digitaltransformation #ceo #leadership #customerexperience 

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