Brandon Lee


3 Employee Advocacy Trends to Look Out for in 2021

Has your company embraced, created and implement an employee advocacy strategy? According to this article, 90% of brands already got started with employee advocacy. I try not to be too confrontational but I just don’t believe that number? From what I see actually happening, it doesn’t seem to me like 90% have systems for advocacy. 

When it comes to employee advocacy here are a few more of my thoughts for you to consider. 

1) Is what your company or others doing truly employee advocacy? The details are in how you define it. For me, employee advocacy programs should be about advocating for the employees. Unfortunately, in our social media world, like most other things, I believe we have gotten a bit out of whack. Hear me out.  

Most EA programs, when it comes to social media, are more designed to use the employees to share brand messages. This is more that the employee is advocating for the brand. This common definition of employee advocacy does not sit well with me. Let’s call it what it is, Brand Advocacy. An Employee Advocacy program that is built around internal communications to serve employees better is a great and very valuable system for both employees and brands.  This article I reference below does a pretty good job of helping anyone consider this type of program. 

2) Content is Truly King! When it comes to sales, customer success and renewals, content is truly KING!  I don’t know if you are like me but I have heard this expression a lot and have generally agreed with it. But, honestly, I didn’t always know what I was agreeing with. It is one of those statements that has become so common that our knee-jerk reaction is to simply agree with it.  

Let’s think about its significance. We use content because buyers want content to review more than they want to talk with you. None of us need to take this personal. Consider how you like to make a purchase. You probably like to research on your own and connect with a sales rep when, and if, you are ready. It is how modern buyers like to buy. 

How do you prepare for this? We need to have content. We need to have the right content. We need to have a lot content and be ready to share it with our networks. How does your company prepare and provide the right content for your team to share with buyers? 

3) Employee Advocacy 2.0. Business is still a human-to human game. We buy from people! Building brand trust starts with your employees and their direct relationships with their customers and network. Employees can make the best ambassadors if your advocacy program is done right. This means Employee Advocacy 2.0 means employee empowerment. Employee Advocacy 1.0 was just too employer centric. Read this whole article via the link below for Stuart Jones, founder of InSource Talent’s great insights on the differences. 

4) Employee Generate Content. Employee advocacy 2.0 is characterized by authentic communication and that means empowering your highly trained, qualified team members to create their own content. Who are your highly trained, qualified team members who should create content? Most of them!  They can share their experiences with clients, share what clients are asking and want to know and more. Clients want to know what other clients are experiencing, thinking and sharing. This is a great place to start. 

Way too many companies are so worried about control. Authentic, employee generated content is a great way for your customers to truly make a great heart connection with your customers. That connection helps close rates, renewals and satisfied customers. 

Remember, everyone has a cell phone in their hands, let them use it. It will pay dividends. 

To read the entire article that inspired me to write this post, click the link below. 

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