Brandon Lee


Get more responses to your emails!

Emails???  What??!!!  FunnelAmplified is a social platform! 

That may be what you are thinking. But, FunnelAmplified is a digital relationship building platform. 

Email is digital. Email is part of the digital arsenal sellers use to communicate with buyers and build their network. Email works really well WHEN it is done really well. Especially when your emails are part of a larger, omni-channel approach to building relationships and properly prospecting and building valuable relationships. Omni-channel means using the relevant channels for communication like phone calls, social posts, social messages and of course, face-to-face communication. I consider Zoom a digital face-to-face tool too. 

Prospecting and relationship building is takes time. It takes repetition and your reputation is determined by your content. The “guts” of your messages determine how well they are received.  74% of the time buyers will purchase from from the first source that added valuable insights into their research. Anyone that sells anything must take that statistic seriously if they want to be successful. What should come to mind is how to work smart rather than just work hard. 

Below is a link to read the full article that I reference here by Shia Haddad who is a sales leader with Revenue Collective. He goes through the anatomy of a great email. Take a deeper look at his section on purpose. When you create a clear purpose based on adding value to your recipient, your positive response rates rise a lot.  Take a read. Let me know your best email tactics. I would appreciate learning with you. 

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