Are Resume’s still necessary?
How important is your LinkedIn profile?
I get asked this a lot and this article is certainly spot on with respect to job hunting
In fact, Human Resource leaders are among those I work with most closely
Because digital and social media today are what resumes and company bulletin boards were yesterday
Further, HR leaders have learned that recruiting is a full-time activity and social media is their best tool
While resumes still serve a purpose, they are much less important today than they were in the past
For many HR professionals, they will readily admit the first thing they look up when reviewing a candidate is their social media profile which usually begins with LinkedIn
But it’s not just your LinkedIn profile, it’s all of your social media profiles
This can be a great way for companies to not only learn about your accomplishments and work history but also who you are as a person
Social media is about people
So if you have a poorly done or robotic LinkedIn profile, your chances for that great position or even a business opportunity are slimmer
Your profiles should reflect who you are and what makes you unique
With the job market being more active than I can ever remember…it’s critical you stand out from the crowd…
Start with a fun and interesting profile on LinkedIn and watch the difference it makes!
If you need some tips…just DM me, always happy to help!
#humanresources #digitaltransformation #recruiting #ceo #leadership
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