Brandon Lee


The “10” questions to review for 2021

The “10” questions to review for 2021

Have you reviewed 2021? 

It’s often said, if we don’t learn from the past we are destined to repeat our mistakes

I’m not sure about you, but for me…I made a few blunders in 2021! 

However, I also made some amazing progress in 2021 and am more excited for a new year than I have been in a long time!

One of the ways that we can benefit from this exercise is to ask ourselves some key questions about the year past ; 

  1. The most important goal that I achieved this year was:
  2. These are the skills I acquired this year:
  3. A big mistake that I made this year—and the lesson that I learned as a result—was:
  4. I adopted this new positive habit:
  5. I dropped this negative habit:
  6. The scariest thing I went through this year was:
  7. The nicest thing I did for someone else this year was:
  8.  This year I broke out of my comfort zone by:
  9. My biggest time waster this year was:

And lastly

  1. What I am most grateful for this year is:

Now…2022 here we come!

For even more questions…read on!

#grateful #happynewyear #economy #ceo #leadership

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