Brandon Lee


It’s Time to Move From ‘Always Be Closing’ to This New Sales Mantra

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I am sharing this article because so many of our customers are struggling with how to position sales. The other day, a sales leader for a B2B company asked me, “What are the new best practices for booking new meetings with so many buyers still working remote.

This is an important article for sales leaders because they have to make new decisions for new sales playbooks. 

Here are 3 takeaways from the article that I think are most important to review

1. “Always Be Closing” does not work with modern buyers. Buyers have access to all the information they need. When they speak with a sales professional, they don’t want pressure to purchase. They want insights and vision for making a good decision to maximize their purchase. 

2. “Always Be Helping” is the new mantra. Help your customers see opportunities. Share valuable information that gets you a seat at their decision meetings. 

3. Understand Your Buyers Situation.  Buyers don’t purchase a one-size-fits-all solution. Buyers want to see how solutions can help them specifically.  One great way to demonstrate that you understand buyers and can add to their research is through sharing content in social media and directly with customers. 

Don’t ask for the demo. Share content. 

Don’t ask for the sale. Demonstrate your value so they want to purchase your solution from you.

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